
Finding a good tutor in Mexico is not a problem. The service "Masters and Services" collected questionnaires of the best teachers in one place. To get qualified help and use the service, it is enough to register in our Telegram group. After that, you will be able to study the candidates' questionnaires, ask them questions and choose the most favorable offers. Here you will find rehearsers who are fluent in Russian, English, Spanish or any other languages.

Need the help of a tutor in Mexico? The service "Masters and Services" invites you to use the database of the best specialists providing services in this industry. We present only the latest and up-to-date information. You can find a tutor in Russian, English, Spanish or any other language or direction. To use the features of the service, go through a simple registration in our Telegram group. After that, you will be able to personally communicate with candidates, ask them questions or discuss details of further cooperation.

We also invite tutors looking for a job in Mexico. You can place your portfolio on the pages of the group and receive favorable offers, as well as look for new clients. Communicate with potential customers in person, without the help of intermediaries and agencies. This way you can save not only your own time, but also money. Forget about the language barrier! Our service makes life abroad simple and comfortable.

How It Works

On the website

Fill out the application form from the website and we will publish it in the chat of masters and clients, as well as on the Telegram bulletin board. If you want to be able to edit and delete an ad, then post it via a Telegram bot.

Via chat with masters and clients on Telegram

Step 2
Join the chat, place ads, and search for other people's ads based on queries
Step 3
Get feedback from service providers or clients

Via Telegram bot

Step 2
Place ads, manage them, search for other people's ads by keyword
Step 3
Get feedback from service providers or clients